At Earl W. Johnston Roofing, LLC, we love to hear feedback from our customers. Click these icons below to leave a review, or scroll down to hear what our customers have said about us.

Great experience. Very knowledgeable.
Explained everything, offered solutions to my unique problem of construction equipment being in your way. Very friendly.
Alex was very professional and polite. The presentation was great, however the prices were high.
Response time was very good. Was a pleasant experience for me. Thank you
I am ecstatic with the outstanding work done on my roof today. I am also thrilled with how quickly the process is going from start to finish. Casey as well as all of the other employees that work for Earl Johnston have been kind, helpful, and have great expertise in their fields.
I had a number of roof leaks repaired over the past 5 years, but other leaks kept appearing. Once we came to the decision to reroof, we contacted 5 firms for quotes. We tossed out the lowest and the rest fell pretty close except for a quote for a metal roof which was $15k higher. We picked Earl W Johnston because the sales rep, Eric Suarez, was very straight-forward and explained the process and the timeline very clearly. We had an unusual roofing material in part of the roof, and Eric kept us fully appraised on the progress towards getting a county permit to proceed. We had to get an engineering firm to certify that our re-roofing strategy was a valid approach. When the permit was issued by the county, the concrete tiles we're ordered. It takes about a month for the tile to be delivered. Our roof leaks were damaging the sheathing so we asked that they strip the roof off and add the roofing felt. We were willing to wait for the tile delivery once the roof was covered.
The roofing crew exposed a lot of leak damage that resulted in an additional charge for extra plywood and lumber. The charge amounted to about 5% more, as the amount of roof damage was significant! The roofing crew finished that phase in One Day. Before they left, they had cleaned everything around the house.
The tiles were delivered within a week and a crew of two completed the tile installation in three days!
It took about two weeks for the county inspector to come by for the final OK and a Johnston employee came by and painted all the metal vents by perfectly matching the tile color!
I just paid the final draw for a Very Well Done Job. We enthusiastically recommend Earl W Johnston Roofing!
Ask for Eric, he really knows his stuff! He worked extremely hard to make the process go smoothly.
By the way, roofing costs have gotten very, very expensive. Be prepared for a shock!