roofing contractor

How Preventive Repair Improves Your Roof’s Condition

Don't wait until your roofing system has an obvious problem to pay attention to it. Investing in preventative roof maintenance…

7 years ago

Roofing Materials for Both Commercial and Residential Roofs

In the roofing industry, there used to be a distinct line drawn between the materials used for residential and commercial…

7 years ago

Qualities to Look for in a Roofing Contractor

The roof is one of the most complicated parts of the home to repair or replace, so it's critical that…

7 years ago

What to Expect During a Roof Replacement Project

A roofing project can sometimes be a long and winding process. But the more you know about the process, the…

7 years ago

The GAF Golden Pledge® Warranty Coverage

Earl W. Johnston Roofing, LLC is one of the few roofers in the country that has earned the GAF Master®…

7 years ago

3 Effective Ways to Make the Most of Your Roofing System -Part 3: Hiring a Good Roofer

As you would hear from every professional, and just like what we’ve been establishing sine the beginning of this three-part…

7 years ago